Loan for renovation in the Netherlands
Check whether you are eligible to receive an additional loan for renovation, a new kitchen or bathroom, for free! In addition, you don’t need to put your own money down!
What do you need the loan for?
New kitchen
- The cost is only 20-40 euro per month
- You DON’T need to put your own money down
- Financing from mortgage loan
- Possibility of early repayment
New bathroom
- The cost is only 20-40 euro per month
- You DON’T need to put your own money down
- Financing from mortgage loan
- Possibility of early repayment
Nowe okna
- The cost is only 40-80 euro per month
- You DON’T need to put your own money down
- Financing from mortgage loan
- Possibility of early repayment
New skylights
- The cost is only 40-80 euro per month
- You DON’T need to put your own money down
- Financing from mortgage loan
- Possibility of early repayment
Solar panels
- The cost is only 20-40 euro per month
- You DON’T need to put your own money down
- Financing from mortgage loan
- Possibility of early repayment